Exception handling is targeted at

Exception handling is targeted at

Exception handling is targeted at what?

(a) Run-time error
(b) Compile time error
(c) Logical error
(d) All of the above


Run-time error

Exception handling is targeted at

Exception handling in programming is a mechanism designed to deal with unexpected or exceptional situations that may occur during the execution of a program. These rare events, which are often called "runtime errors," can be as easy as dividing by zero or as complicated as a file not found error. Exception handling helps programmers plan for and handle these kinds of problems in an orderly way, so the programme can keep running smoothly or give the user useful information about the problem they encountered.

Compile-time errors prevent the compilation process from completing successfully, indicating that there are issues in the source code that need to be fixed before the program can be executed. Programmers can review the error messages provided by the compiler, identify the issues in the code, and make the necessary corrections to ensure that the code compiles successfully.

A logical error in programming occurs when the code does not perform the intended logic or does not produce the expected output. It can be harder to find and fix logical mistakes because they don't always show up as clear error messages or warnings. Identifying and fixing logical errors often involves techniques such as code inspection, unit testing, and debugging. Programmers may use debugging tools to trace the execution of the program, inspect the values of variables, and identify the point at which the logic deviates from the intended behavior.
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